Monday, December 15, 2008

Toy Shopping

So we to to the mall to walk around and look for stuff, and I partook in my ritual of looking for anything not made in China. It keeps me busy so I can avoid watching the hordes collect plastic stuff. Of course I am a hypocrite, as I have plenty of toys for me, and the kids have even more. Anyways, I started to look at games and puzzles, because cardboard is usually made in this country, being too cheap here to import. I picked up a Scrabble game just to look. It said "Made in USA with letters, bag, and board made in China." Think about that, isn't that everything except the box? What's the point? I guess there are lots of cardboard factories in the US.

We also got a KNEX toy that had some parts made in the USA and some in China, but was packaged over there. Again, does that mean they send some parts 10,000 miles twice?

I guess if I stick to cardboard stuff, I am ok....

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